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motor oil例句
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Please also give me some motor oil forthe engine of my car.


Food is to the men as motor oil is to the machines.


Franchise: hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motor oil, hydraulic valves, hydraulic annex and accessories.

专营: 液压油泵 、 液压油马达 、 液压阀 、 液压附件及配件.

Jess: This motor oil case is still really slippery.

洁丝: 这个机油的案子还是很棘手.

Pe toil motor oil: Manufacturer of automotive, commercial, industrial and marine lubricants.

潘佐尔机油: 润滑油制造商的汽车, 商业, 工业,海洋.

Goop and gunk drains out with motor oil.


motor oil, Hydraulic Oil, Gear Oil, Grease, Car Care Products and Winter Products Oil and Lubricants.

采购产品马达的油, 水力的油, 齿轮油, 油脂, 汽车关心产品和冬天产品油和润滑物.

Manual Transmission Fluid -- MTF Made to replace ATF and motor oil in manual transmissions.

手动变速箱液 - 的MTF;来取代石油管理局和电机在手动变速箱.

The other 5 percent is represented by supplemental plasticizers, motor oil and chemical marker.

另外5%则是辅助可塑剂, 马达油和化学标记物.

Castrol Limited: Worldwide producers and marketers of synthetic and conventional motor oil and lubricants.

嘉实多有限公司: 全球润滑油生产商和营销商的合成和常规机油和.

If you don change the motor oil, your car engine will wear out very quickly.

如果你不换机油, 你车子的引擎会耗损的非常快.

Evaporation. Ultra fast drying. Resistance to motor oil and detergent bleaches . Excellent gloss . Blocking resistance.

自然快干, 耐汽油、清洁剂、漂白剂等,高光泽,耐磨抗刮.

A circular rigid glass tube was used as the airway, and Newtonian motor oil lining liquid.

呼吸道模型是玻璃直圆管, 以具有生物流体性质的机油作为阻塞液.

Kool - aid , chewing gum, nail polish motor oil , rust, paint and wax removal. Restore original look.

切底清除留在地毡上的果汁色素 、 香口胶 、 指甲油、机器油 、 油漆、蜡等之污渍,令地毡回复原貌.

Exyernal motor oil pump enable good ventilating and cooling conditions, safety operation and prolonged service life.

由于电机、油泵外置,其通风冷却条件好, 运行安全,寿命长.

"motor oil"的基本信息





